Inglês/Gramática/Vocabulário/Trechos de conversas: diferenças entre revisões

[edição não verificada][edição não verificada]
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Sem resumo de edição
Linha 73:
* ''Can you help me, please?''
* ''Could you help me, please?''
* ''Excuse me!''
* ''How do say ... in English?''
* ''How do you spell it?''
*'' How do pronounce it''?
* ''Where is the stress?'' (stress = sílaba tônica)
* ''Sorry? Pardon?''
* ''Can you say that again, please?''
* ''Could you say that again, please?''
* ''What’s difference between ... and ...?'' (between = entre)
* ''What’s the opposite of ...?''
* ''What’s the past tense of ...?''
* ''What does this word mean?'' (significa)
* ''I don’t understand.''
* ''I don’t known.''
* ''I don’t remember.''
* ''Is this right or wrong''?
* ''Which is page it?''
* ''I can’t understand the board.''
* ''Have you got a pen, please''?
* ''Sorry I'm too late.''