Guia do Linux/Iniciante+Intermediário/Comandos diversos: diferenças entre revisões

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= Capí­tulo 10 - Comandos Diversos =
Comandos de uso diversos no sistema.
{| {{prettytable}}
|Cria um alias
|apropos <palavra>
|Procura nos manuais por <palavra>
|at HH:MM
|Executa uma tarefa na hora e minutos especificados
|Manipulação de texto em arquivo(s)
|Termina um loop
|Run a shell builtin
|Decomprime arquivo no formato bzip2
|Comprime arquivo no formato bzip2
|Mostra um calendário
|Execução condicional de comando
|Exibe arquivos na saída padrão (''standard output'')
|Muda diretório
|Manipulador de ''partition table''
|Mudança de grupo
|Muda permissões de acesso
|Muda dono e grupo do arquivo
|Executa um comando com um diretório raiz diferente
|Muda o terminal virtual
|Exibe ''CRC checksum'' e contador de ''bytes''
|Limpa a tela do terminal
|Compara dois arquivos
|Compara dois arquivos ordenados linha por linha
|Executa um comando, ignorando funções do ''shell''
|Comprime arquivos
|Passa para o próximo passo de um loop, ignorando comandos seguintes
|Script em [[Perl]] que converte nomes de arquivos entre convenções diferentes
|Copia arquivo(s)
|''Daemon'' para executar comandos em dias ou horas pre-definidos
|Exibe ou atualiza a tabela de tarefas executadas pelo ''daemon'' cron
|Quebra um arquivo em partes
|Divide um arquivo em várias partes
|Display or change the date & time
|Desk Calculator
|[ dd]
|Data Dump - Convert and copy a file
|Declare variables and give them attributes
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File System Utilities#df|df]]
|Display free disk space
|Display the differences between two files
|Show differences among three files
|Briefly list directory contents
|Colour setup for `ls'
|Convert a full pathname to just a path
|Display list of remembered directories
|Estimate file space usage
|Display message on screen
|A line-oriented text editor (edlin)
|Search file(s) for lines that match an extended expression
|Eject CD-ROM
|Enable and disable builtin shell commands
|Disp, set, or remove environment variables
|Evaluate several commands/arguments
|Execute a command
|Exit the shell
|Convert tabs to spaces
|Set an environment variable
|Evaluate expressions
|Print prime factors
|Do nothing, unsuccessfully
|Low-level format a floppy disk
|Partition table manipulator for Linux
|Search file(s) for lines that match a fixed string
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File Analysing#file|file]]
|Determine type of file
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/Finding Files#find|find]]
|Search for files that meet a desired criteria
|Reformat paragraph text
|Wrap text to fit a specified width.
|Expand words, and execute commands
|Format disks or tapes
|Disp, s memory usage
|Filesystem consistency check and repair.
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/Devices#fstat|fstat]]
|List open files
|Define Function Macros
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/Devices#fuser|fuser]]
|Identify process using file
|Find and Replace text within file(s)
|Parse positional parameters
|Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern
|Print group names a user is in
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File Compression#gunzip|gunzip]]
|Decompress file(s) from GNU zip format
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File Compression#gzcat|gzcat]]
|Show contents of compressed file(s)
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File Compression#gzip|gzip]]
|Compress file(s) to GNU zip format
|Remember the full pathname of a name argument
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File Viewing#head|head]]
|Output the first part of file(s)
|Command History
|Print or set system name
|Converts the encoding of characters from one code page encoding scheme to another.
|Print user and group id's
|Conditionally perform a command
|Capture an X server screen and save the image to file
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/Getting Help#info|info]]
|Help info
|Copy files and set attributes
|Join lines on a common field
|Stop a process from running
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File Viewing#less|less]]
|Display output one screen at a time
|Perform arithmetic on shell variables
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File System Utilities#ln|ln]]
|Make links between files
|Create variables
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/Finding Files#locate|locate]]
|Find files
|Print current login name
|Exit a login shell
|Line printer control program
|Off line print
|Print a file
|Abort a print job
|List the print queue
|Remove jobs from the print queue
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File System Utilities#ls|ls]]
|List information about file(s)
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File System Utilities#ll|ll]]
|#ls -l List information about file(s)
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/Devices#lsof|lsof]]
|List open files
|Macro processor
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/Getting Help#makewhatis|makewhatis]]
|Rebuild whatis database
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/Getting Help#man|man]]
|Print manual pages
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File System Utilities#mkdir|mkdir]]
|Create new folder(s)
|Make FIFOs (named pipes)
|Make block or character special files
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File Viewing#more|more]]
|Display output one screen at a time
|Mount a file system
|Manipulate MS-DOS files
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File System Utilities#mv|mv]]
|Move or rename files or directories
|Configure your network
|Set the priority of a command or job
|Number lines and write files
|Run a command immune to hangup
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File Viewing#od|od]]
|View binary files
|Modify a user password
|Merge lines of files
|Check file name portability
|Restore the previous value of the current directory
|Convert text files for printing
|Printer capability database
|Print environment variables
|Format and print data
|Process status
|Save and then change the current directory
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File System Utilities#pwd|pwd]]
|Print Working Directory
|Display disk usage and limits
|Scan a file system for disk usage
|Set disk quotas
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File Compression#pax|pax]]
|Archive file(s)
|ram disk device
|Copy files between two machines.
|read a line from standard input
|Mark variables/functions as readonly
|Synchronize remote files via email
|Exit a shell function
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File System Utilities#rm|rm]]
|Remove (delete) files
|Remove folder(s)
|RPM Package Manager (was RedHat Package Manager)
|Remote file copy (Synchronize file trees)
|Terminal window manager
|Merge two files interactively
|Stream Editor
|Accept keyboard input
|Print numeric sequences
|Manipulate shell variables and functions
|Shift positional parameters
|Shell Options
|Shutdown or restart linux
|Delay for a specified time
|Sort text files
|Run commands from a file `.'
|Split a file into fixed-size pieces
|print the strings of printable characters in (binary) files.
|Substitute user identity
|Print a checksum for a file
|Make a new name for a file
|Synchronize data on disk with memory
|Print files out in reverse line order
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File Viewing#tail|tail]]
|Output the last part of files
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File Compression#tar|tar]]
|Tape ARchiver
|Redirect output to multiple files
|Evaluate a conditional expression
|Measure Program Resource Use
|User and system times
|Play midi files and set up software synth to play midi files with other commands.
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File System Utilities#touch|touch]]
|Change file timestamps
|List processes running on the system
|Trace Route to Host
|Run a command when a signal is set(bourne)
|Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters
|Do nothing, successfully
|Topological sort
|Print filename of terminal on stdin
|Describe a command
|Limit user resources
|Users file creation mask
|Unmount a filesystem
|Remove an alias
|Print system information
|Convert spaces to tabs
|Uniquify files (remove all duplicate lines)
|Convert units from one scale to another
|Remove variable or function names
|Unpack shell archive scripts
|Execute commands (until error)
|Create new user account
|Modify user account
|List users currently logged in
|Encode a binary file into 7-bit ASCII characters
|Decode a file created by uuencode
|Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -b')
|Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -b')
|Execute/display a program periodically
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/Getting Help#whatis|whatis]]
|List manual pages by name
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File Analysing#wc|wc]]
|Print byte, word, and line counts of a file
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/Finding Files#whereis|whereis]]
|Report all known instances of a command
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/Finding Files#which|which]]
|Locate a program file in the user's path.
|Execute commands
|Print all usernames currently logged in
|Print the current user id and name (`id -un')
|Execute utility, passing constructed argument list(s)
|Print a string until interrupted
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File Compression#zcat|zcat]]
|Show contents of compressed file(s)
|[[Guide to UNIX/Commands/File Compression#zip|zip]]
|Compress and archive file(s) to zip format
|Run commands from a file
|Comment / Remark
[[en:Linux Guide/Linux commands]]