Wikilivros:Classificação Decimal de Dewey/200: diferenças entre revisões

[edição não verificada][edição não verificada]
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m Processing page text
Sem resumo de edição
Linha 10:
: '''204 Special topics'''
[[The Pagan Beliefs Surrounding Christmas]] [[Image:50%.png]]
: '''205 Serial publications of Christianity'''
Linha 60 ⟶ 58:
: '''229 Apocrypha & pseudepigrapha'''
[[Christian Bible - KJV]] [[Image:25%.png]]
- [[Biblical Studies]] [[Image:25%.png]]
==230 Christian theology==
Linha 192 ⟶ 187:
: '''297 Islam & religions originating in it'''
[[History of Islam]] [[Image:25%.png]]
: '''298 Not assigned or no longer used'''
: '''299 Other religions'''
[[Theology/Ásatrú Theology|Ásatrú Theology]] [[Image:25%.png]]
- [[Herstory and More]] [[Image:25%.png]]
[[Mythology]] [[Image:25%.png]]
[[Biblical Theology]] [[Image:25%.png]]
- [[Christian Theology]] [[Image:25%.png]]
- [[Theology]] [[Image:25%.png]]
- [[Transatheism]] [[Image:25%.png]]
- [[Transcendentalist Theology]] [[Image:25%.png]]
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