Sistema de informação geográfica: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 12:
=== GIS Software ===
One leading GIS software vendor is ESRI, based in Redlands, California, which offers ArcGIS for the desktop, ArcGIS Server for Internet mapping, ArcPad for PDAs and a range of other products and services for developers. Other popularOutro GIS software packages are available from Cadcorp, Intergraph, MapInfo, Manifold and Autodesk. ERDAS Imagine, ENVI, Idrisi, and PCI Geomatica are geared towards remote sensing i.e. analysis of satellite/aircraft images. There are many third-party extensions and utilities for ArcGIS and other GIS and raster software platforms. Currently, [ open source GIS software] options can be chosen from the first OS GIS package [ GRASS], recentrecentes openopções sourcede optionscódigo areaberto estão [ DIVA GIS], [ Quantum GIS], ande [ uDig]. There areesforços effortsem underwayandamento, throughatravés thedo [ Open GIS Consortium] topara providepropiciar interoperabilitya amonginteroperabilidade spatialentre dataformatos formatsde anddados espaciais e software. TheO leadingmais contendercotado forpara spatialarmazenamento datade storagedados isespaciais anotheré openum sourceoutro packagepacote calledde código aberto chamado [ PostGIS], whichque isé auma spatialextensão extensionespacial topara theo banco de dados open source database [[Postgres RDBMS|PostgresSQL]].
== WhatO Isque Topologyé Topologia? ==
=== AUma BriefBreve HistoryHistória Ofda Topologytopologia ===
=== TopologyTopologia Inem MathematicsMatemática ===
=== NavigationNavegação ===
=== WhyPor Isque a Topologia Geospatial Topologyé Importantimportantes Inem Aum GISSIG? ===
GeospatialAnálise analysisgeoespacial providesfornece auma uniqueperspectiva perspectiveúnica onsobre theo worldmundo, aum toolinstrumento throughatravés whichdo toqual examinea eventsanalisar eventos, patterns,padrões ande processesprocessos thatque operateoperam onsobre orou nearperto theda surfacesuperfície ofdo ournosso planetplaneta. To have this tool interact also with the relevant topological information is a must, that is needed to have the complete understanding of the way rivers flow, the weather is affected by the terrain or even how humans and other animals flow or chose to a specific habitat, this kind of information can only be gathered and useful if topological information is present in the GIS.
== SpatialDados DataEspaciais ==
Os dados espaciais vem em dois formatos principais, como os dados vetoriais ou raster. A principal diferença é que a varredura é geralmente uma imagem estática de fundo usado para ilustrar, Considerando que um vetor é uma escada inteligente de informação que podem ser selecionados e pesquisados.
Spatial data comes in two major formats, as vector or raster data. The main difference is that a raster is usually a static background picture used to illustrate, whereas a vector is an intelligent ladder of information that can be selected and searched.
'''Vector (pointspontos, lineslinhas, polygonspolígonos)'''
Dados vetoriais, muitas vezes representa antropogenia (humana), tais como estradas, edificações, limites políticos (municípios, distritos eleitorais, etc), e outras características tais como lagos e rios.
Vector data often represents anthropogenic (human) features such as roads, buildings, political boundaries (counties, congressional districts, etc.), and other features such as lakes and rivers.
Dados vetoriais é escalonável sem perda de resolução e é geralmente representada por pontos XYZ em um quadro de referência cartesiano.
Vector data is scalable without loss of resolution and is generally represented by XYZ points in a Cartesian frame reference.
'''Raster (grids/images)'''
Linha 36:
Raster data is usually derived from satellite imagery or aerial photography (known as remote sensing). Ordinary cameras are only sensitive to visible light. Satellite sensors can capture not only visible light, but also the thermal, microwave, infrared or other types of energy emanating from the Earth's surface. This extra data provides information about sea surface temperatures, vegetation, ozone, etc. Remote sensing is also used to study other planets and extraterrestrial bodies, such as Mars.
=== DataIntegridade Integritydos Dados ===
=== Persistent Storage and Vendor Independence ===
=== PracticalPrática GIS ===
=== DataAs sourcesfontes de dados ===
TheOs U.S.EUA Governo Federal Governmentoferece offersuma ariqueza wealthde ofdados spatialespaciais datade forforma freegratuita orou ata costcusto, withcom majorgrandes offeringsofertas froma thepartir do [ United States Geological Survey (USGS)], [ NASA] ande theo [ U.S. Census Bureau]. StateOs governmentsgovernos alsoestaduais servetambém spatialservem datade throughdados GISespaciais portalsatravés suchde asportais como o GIS [ MassGIS]. As well, many local governments have detailed GIS data of tax parcels, roads, buildings, etc. Other governments around the world also offer spatial data, though not necessarily for free. Private industry also offers GIS data, with TeleAtlas/GDT offering a wealth of vector data, while Ikonos and DigitalGlobe (QuickBird) provide high-resolution satellite imagery. Some public-domain data sources are listed at .
== Spatial Relationships ==
Linha 55:
== Glossary ==
== Referências ==