Finlandês/Conjugação verbal: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 5:
==Type I verbs==
TheseExistem areverbos verbsem whoseque infinitivea formsforma endinfinitiva inacaba vowelem vogal + 'a' (or 'ä' for front-vowel containing stems), forpor exampleexemplo 'puhua' = 'to speakfalar', 'tietää' = 'to knowsaber'. ThisEsse groupgrupo containscontem a veryum largegrande numbernúmero ofde verbsverbos. HereA isseguir, howa conjugação do verbo 'tietää' conjugates inno thepresente presentdo indicativeindicativo:
:minä tiedä'''[n'''] = '''I''eu' knowsei
:sinä tiedä'''[t'''] = 'você''you''' (singular) knowsabe
:hän/se tiet'''[ää'''] = '''(s)heele/it''ela' knowssabe
:me tiedä'''[mme'''] = '''we''nós' knowsabemos
:te tiedä'''[tte'''] = 'vocês''you''' (plural/formal) knowsabem
:he tietä'''[vät'''] = '''they''eles' knowsabem
The personal endings are thus -n, -t, -(doubled vowel), -mme, -tte, -vat. The inflecting stem is formed by dropping the final '-a', and has a strong consonant in the third-person forms and weak otherwise. Note that for third person plural, this is an exception to the general rule for strong consonants.