Finlandês/Conjugação verbal: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 4:
Please refer to the [[Finnish language grammar]] article for more about verbs and other aspects of Finnish grammar.
'''Verbos do tipo I'''
==Type I verbs==
Existem verbos em que a forma infinitiva acaba em vogal + 'a' (or 'ä' for front-vowel containing stems), por exemplo 'puhua' = 'falar', 'tietää' = 'saber'. Esse grupo contem um grande número de verbos. A seguir, a conjugação do verbo 'tietää' no presente do indicativo:
Linha 14:
:he tietä[vät] = 'eles' sabem
The personal endings are thus -n, -t, -(doubleddupla vowelvogal), -mme, -tte, -vat. The inflecting stem is formed by dropping the final '-a', and has a strong consonant in the third-person forms and weak otherwise. Note that for third person plural, this is an exception to the general rule for strong consonants.
===Past Tense===
Linha 28:
'ymmärtää' = 'to understand' also follows this pattern. Changes of stem for other verb types will be discussed in the relevant sections below.
;PresentPresente indefiniteindefinido: TheO presentpresente indefiniteindefinido isé formedformado bypela addingadição do sufixo '-taan' to the inflecting stem of the verb with the consonant in its weak form:
:puhua -> puhu- -> puhutaan
:If the vowel at the end of the stem is 'a' or 'ä' it is changed to 'e' before the '-taan' ending:
:tietää -> tiedä- -> tiede -> tiedetään
;PastPretérito indefiniteindefinido: ThisÉ isformado formedda inmesma theforma sameque wayo aspresente the present indefiniteindefinido, exceptporém thato thesufixo ending isé '-ttiin', hence 'puhuttiin' = 'itfoi was spokenfalado', 'tiedettiin' = 'it wasera knownconhecido'.
:Note the presence of the same 'i' marker in the past indefinite as in the imperfect indicative. Note also the presence of the extra 't'.