Programar em C/Operações matemáticas (Avançado): diferenças entre revisões

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Thiagol (discussão | contribs)
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TheO cabeçalho <code><math.h></code> headercontém containsprotótipos prototypesde foralgumas severalfunções functionsna thatárea dealde with mathematicsmatemática. InNa versão thede 1990 versiondo of thepadrão ISO, standard,somente onlya theversão <code>double</code> versionsdas offunções theforam functionsespecíficadas; werena specified;versão thede 1999 versionforam adicionadas addedas theversões <code>float</code> ande <code>long double</code> versions.
As funções podem ser agrupadas nas seguintes categorias:
The functions can be grouped into the following categories:
==Funções Trigonométricas==
===TheAs funções <code>acos</code> ande <code>asin</code> functions===
==Trigonometric functions==
===The <code>acos</code> and <code>asin</code> functions===
The <code>acos</code> functions return the arccosine of their arguments in radians, and the <code>asin</code> functions return the arcsine of their arguments in radians. All functions expect the argument in the range [-1,+1]. The arccosine returns a value in the range [0,&pi;]; the arcsine returns a value in the range [-&pi;/2,+&pi;/2].
Linha 21 ⟶ 20:
===TheAs funções <code>atan</code> ande <code>atan2</code> functions===
The <code>atan</code> functions return the arctangent of their arguments in radians, and the <code>atan2</code> function return the arctangent of <code>y/x</code> in radians. The <code>atan</code> functions return a value in the range [-&pi;/2,+&pi;/2] (the reason why &plusmn;&pi;/2 are included in the range is because the floating-point value may represent infinity, and atan(&plusmn;&infin;) = &plusmn;&pi;/2); the <code>atan2</code> functions return a value in the range [-&pi;,+&pi;]. For <code>atan2</code>, a domain error may occur if both arguments are zero.
Linha 34 ⟶ 33:
===TheAs funções <code>cos</code>, <code>sin</code>, ande <code>tan</code> functions===
The <code>cos</code>, <code>sin</code>, and <code>tan</code> functions return the cosine, sine, and tangent of the argument, expressed in radians.