Finlandês/Harmonia vocálica: diferenças entre revisões

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Nova página: ====Finnish==== thumb|right|A [[Venn diagram of the Finnish vowel harmony system. The front vowels are in blue, neutral in green and ba...
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Linha 34:
With respect to vowel harmony, compound words can be considered separate words. For example, ''syyskuu'' ("autumn month" i.e. September) has both ''u'' and ''y'', but it consists of two words ''syys'' and ''kuu'', and declines ''syys·kuu·ta'' (not *''syyskuutä''). The same goes for enclitics, e.g. ''taaksepäin'' "backwards" consists of the word ''taakse'' "to back" and ''-päin'' "-wards". If fusion takes place, the vowel is harmonized by some speakers, e.g. ''tälläinen'' pro ''tällainen'' ← ''tämän lainen''.