- AppArgs
- AppDir
- AppFile
- AppTitle
- LaunchDir
- DebugLog
- DebugStop
- Delay
- GCCollect
- GCEnter
- GCLeave
- GCMemAlloced
- GCResume
- GCSetMode
- GCSuspend
- HandleFromObject
- HandleToObject
- MemAlloc
- MemClear
- MemCopy
- MemExtend
- MemFree
- MemMove
- MilliSecs
- OnEnd
- ReadStdin
- RuntimeError
- WriteStderr
- WriteStdout
- Abs
- Abstract
- And
- Asc
- Assert
- Byte
- Case
- Catch
- Chr
- Const
- Continue
- Default
- DefData
- Delete
- Double
- EachIn
- Else
- ElseIf
- End
- EndExtern
- EndFunction
- EndIf
- EndMethod
- EndRem
- EndSelect
- EndTry
- EndType
- EndWhile
- Exit
- Extends
- Extern
- False
- Field
- Final
- Float
- For
- Forever
- Framework
- Function
- Global
- Goto
- If
- Import
- Incbin
- IncbinLen
- IncbinPtr
- Include
- Inf
- Int
- Len
- Local
- Long
- Max
- Method
- Min
- Mod
- Module
- ModuleInfo
- Nan
- New
- Next
- Not
- Null
- Object
- Or
- Pi
- Private
- Ptr
- Public
- ReadData
- Release
- Rem
- Repeat
- RestoreData
- Return
- Sar
- Select
- Self
- Sgn
- Shl
- Short
- Shr
- SizeOf
- Step
- Strict
- String
- Super
- SuperStrict
- Then
- Throw
- To
- True
- Try
- Type
- Until
- Var
- Varptr
- Wend
- While