Discussão:Otimização/Métodos de penalidades
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Hi, when i was reading this article i notice that the indices (i and j)on the Set C defined on the begining of the article, are used in the functions h(x) and g(x), however you use the conditions hi(x)=0 and gi(x)<=0 for every i,j=1,...,p. The point is that the writer used the indice i twice, shouldn´t be the indice j in the function h(x)? i think it was a mistake that propagated throught all the article. I am sorry if the mistake is mine but could the writer explain if is it is a gap or not.
O histórico anterior da página foi arquivado para fins de backup em Discussão:Otimização/Métodos de penalidades/Arquivo LQT 1 em 2015-11-03.