Discussão:Logística/Gestão de armazéns/Picking/Arquivo LQT 1: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 1:
== Referências ==
* MURRAY, Martin - Order picking in the warehouse. In ''Logistics / Supply chain'' [Em linha]. Nova Iorque: About.com, [2010]. [Consult. 5 Mar. 2010]. Disponível em WWW:<URL:http://logistics.about.com/od/operationalsupplychain/a/order_pick.htm>
Linha 6 ⟶ 8:
* HALSEY, Michael - Order picking systems. In TOMPKINS, James A.; SMITH, Jerry D. - ''The warehouse management handbook'' [Em linha]. 2ª ed. Raleigh, NC: Tompkins Press, 1998. [Consult. 8 Maio 2010]. Disponível em WWW:<URL:http://books.google.pt/books?id=oHkA15BCY9MC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_v2_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false>. ISBN 978-09-6586-591-3
== Temas ==
* Order picking function
** Picking levels
* Basic rules
** Apply Pareto's law
** Use a clear, easy to read picking document
** Use a pre-routed, pre-posted picking document
** Maitain an effective stock location system
** The orde picker must be accountable for order accuracy
** Avoid counting
** Require pick confirmation
**Minimize paperwork
* Order picking principles (Tompkins 3ª ed. p. 447-457)
* Oder picking procedures
** Discrete (order) picking
** Zone picking
** Bucket brigade
** Batch picking
** Wave picking
** Zone-batch picking
** Zone-wave picking
** Zone-batch-wave picking
* Conventional order picking systems
** Static storage
** Dynamic storage
*** Man-to-part
*** Pick-to-pallet
*** Pick-to-cart
*** Pick-to-belt (conveyor)
*** Man-aboard storage/retrieval
*** Part-to-man
*** Horizontal carousels
*** Vertical carousels
*** Vertical storage/retrieval modules
*** AS/RS
* Control systems
** Pick-to-light controls
*** Carousel light trees
*** Carousel pick-to-tote
*** Flow rack pick-to-light
*** AS/RS display
** Real-time warehouse control systems
* Automated picking systems
** Unit-load AS/RS
** Horizontal case flow systems
** Vertical case dispensers
** Cylindrical case dispensers
** Robotic cells
** Horizontal item dispensers
** A-frame dispensers
** Dense matrix array dispensers
* Order picking systems (Tompkins 3ª ed. p. 578-592)
** In-the-aisle oder picking
** Walk-and-pick systems
** End-of-aisle order picking
* Order picking tour (Evans p. 319)
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