Predefinição:Referência/doc: diferenças entre revisões

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Explained ''nopp''.
expand on "nopp="
Linha 122:
* '''pages''': For use when multiple pages are cited. Adds "pp." before the page numbers. Do not use with '''page'''.
* '''page''': For use when one page is cited. Adds "p." before the page number. Do not use with '''pages'''.
* '''nopp''': if set to any value, hides<code>page=/pages=</code> automaticdo not generate 'p.' or 'pp.'. E.g. <code>nopp=true</code>. Using <code>at=</code> has the same effect.
* '''at''': Position within the resource when <code>page=/pages=</code> is inappropriate, e.g. <code>at</code>=para. 14 (when citing a source without page numbers) or <code>at</code>=02:56 (a film or audio timestamp), or <code>at</code>=no. 456 (something in a numbered list). This parameter is ignored if <code>page=</code>/<code>pages=</code> is specified.
* '''id''': Identifier such as ''<nowiki>ISBN 1–111–22222–9</nowiki>''