Filosofia da mente/Bibliografia filosófica sobre memória

Esta bibliografia se propõe a reunir os textos filosóficos acerca da memória de acordo com os debates aos quais os mesmos pertencem. Dentro dos debates, os textos são ordenados cronologicamente. Os textos comentados ou criticados aparecem antes dos textos que os comentam ou criticam.

Obras gerais

  • Dudai, Yadin. Memory from A to Z: Keywords, Concepts and Beyond. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
  • Schacter, Daniel L. Searching for Memory: The Brain, the Mind, and the Past. New York: Basic Books, 1996.
  • Squire, Larry R. Memory and Brain. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.

Visões clássicas



  • Platão. Teeteto.
  • Aristóteles. De memoria.


  • Agostinho. Confissões.

Baixa modernidade: século 17

  • Spinoza.
  • Locke.

Modernidade: século 18

  • Hume.
  • Kant.

Modernidade - seculo 19


Alta modernidade - seculo 20

  • Nietzsche. Genealogia da moral. "Segunda dissertação."
  • Russell.

Debates contemporâneos


Externalismo sobre a memória


Publicados em 1988

  1. Tyler Burge. 1988. "Individualism and self-knowledge." Journal of Philosophy 85:649-63. Reimpresso em: Peter Ludlow e Norah Martin, editores, Externalism and Self-Knowledge (1998). Resumo: Apresenta uma concepção de autoconhecimento que dá a Paul Boghossian (ver abaixo) motivo de duvidar da compatibilidade entre externalismo e memória. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).

Publicados em 1989

  1. Paul Boghossian. 1989. "Content and Self-Knowledge." Philosophical Topics 17:5-26. Reimpresso em: Peter Ludlow e Norah Martin, editores, Externalism and Self-Knowledge (1998). Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).

Publicados em 1993

  • Burge, Tyler. "Content Preservation." The Philosophical Review 102, no. 4 (1993): 457-88.

Publicados em 1995

  1. Peter Ludlow. 1995. "Social Externalism, Self-Knowledge, and Memory." Analysis 55: 157-9. Reimpresso em: Peter Ludlow e Norah Martin, editores, Externalism and Self-Knowledge (1998). Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).
  2. Peter Ludlow. 1995. "Social Externalism and Memory: a Problem?" Acta Analytica 14: 69-76. Reimpresso em: Peter Ludlow e Norah Martin, editores, Externalism and Self-Knowledge (1998). Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).

Publicados em 1997

  • J. Baillie. 1997. "Personal Identity and Mental Content." Philosophical Psychology 10:323-33. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).
  • A. Brueckner. 1997. "Externalism and Memory." Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 78:1-12. Reimpresso em: Peter Ludlow e Norah Martin, editores, Externalism and Self-Knowledge (1998). Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).
  • Burge, Tyler. "Interlocution, Perception, and Memory." Philosophical Studies 86, no. 1 (1997): 21-47.
  • Christensen, D., e H. Kornblith. "Testimony, Memory and the Limits of the A-Priori." Philosophical Studies 86, no. 1 (1997): 1-20. Citado por: Burge, Tyler. "Interlocution, Perception, and Memory." Philosophical Studies 86, no. 1 (1997): 21-47.

Publicados em 1998

  1. Tyler Burge. 1998. "Memory and self-knowledge." Em Peter Ludlow e Norah Martin, editores, Externalism and Self-Knowledge (1998).
  2. Michael Tye. 1998. "Externalism and Memory." Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 72 Supplement:95-109. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).
  3. Jane Heal. 1998. "Externalism and Memory." Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 72 Supplement:95-109. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).
  4. Peter Ludlow e Norah Martin. Editores. Externalism and Self-Knowledge. Stanford: CSLI Publications. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).

Publicados em 2000

  • Jessica Brown. 2000. "Against Temporal Externalism." Analysis 60:178-88. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).
  • Edwards, Jim. "Burge on Testimony and Memory." Analysis 60, no. 265 (2000): 124-31.
  • Y. Nagasawa. 2000. "Very-Slow-Switching and Memory: A Critical Note on Ludlow's Paper." Acta Analytica 15: 173-5. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).

Publicados em 2002

  • K.J. Kraay. 2002. "Externalism, Memory, and Self-Knowledge." Erkenntnis 56: 297-317. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).
  • Lawlor, Krista. "Memory, Anaphora, and Content Preservation." Philosophical Studies 109, no. 2 (2002): 97-119.
  • Y. Nagasawa. 2002. "Externalism and the Memory Argument." Dialectica 56: 335-46.

Publicados em 2003

  • Burge, Tyler. "Memory and Persons." The Philosophical Review 112, no. 3 (2003): 289-338.
  • Kevin Falvey. 2003. "Memory and Knowledge of Content." Em Suzana Nuccetelli, editora, New Essays on Semantic Externalism and Self-Knowledge. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 219-40. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).
  • T. Stoneham. 2003. "Temporal Externalism." Philosophical Papers 32: 97-107. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).

Publicados em 2004

  • Jessica Brown. 2004. Anti-Individualism and Knowledge. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).
  • Sven Bernecker. 2004. "Memory and Externalism." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 69(3):605-32.

Publicados em 2005

  • Lawlor, Krista. "Reason and the Past: The Role of Rationality in Diachronic Self-Knowledge." Synthese 145, no. 3 (2005): 467-95.


  • F. Hofmann. Manuscrito. "Externalism and Memory.

Bases do debate na psicologia

  1. D.W. Goodwin, B. Powell, D. Bremer, H. Hoine e J. Stern. 1969. "Alcohol and Recall: State Dependent Effects in Man." Science 163: 1358.
  2. D. Goddon e A.D. Baddeley. 1975. "Context-Dependent Memory in Two Natural Environments: On Land and Under Water." British Journal of Psychology 66: 325-31. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).
  3. S.M. Smith, A. Glenberg e R.A. Bjork. 1978. "Environmental Context and Human Memory: A Review and Meta-Analysis." Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 8: 203-20. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).
  4. D.M. Thompson, S.L. Robertson e R. Vogt. 1982. "Person Recognition: The Effects of Context." Human Learning 1: 137-54. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).

Filosofia analítica


Publicados em 1965

  • J. T. Saunders. 1965. "Professor Malcolm's Definition of 'Factual Memory'." Theoria (Suécia) 31: 282-8. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).

Publicados em 1970

  • Sydney Shoemaker. 1970. "Persons and their Past." American Philosophical Quarterly 7: 269-85. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).

Publicados em 1973

  • R. Shope. 1973. "Remembering, Knowledge, and Memory Traces." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 33: 303-22. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).

Publicados em 1977

  • Norman Malcolm. 1977. Memory and Mind. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).

Publicados em 1982

  • Gareth Evans. 1982. The Varieties of Reference. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).

Publicados em 1993

  • Michael Dummett. 1993. "Testimony and Memory." Em The Seas of Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 411-28. Citado por: Bernecker, "Memory and Externalism" (2004).

Publicados em 1994

  • Guttenplan, Samuel. "Memory." In A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind, editado por Samuel Guttenplan. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996 [1994].

Publicados em 1999

  • Hoerl, Christoph. "Memory, Amnesia and the Past." Mind & Language 14, no. 2 (1999): 227-51.

Memória coletiva

  • Maurice Halbwachs. A Memória Coletiva.
  • Pierre Nora.
  • Ecléa Bosi.

Publicados em 1998

  • Olick, Jeffrey K., e Joyce Robbins. "Social Memory Studies: From "Collective Memory" To the Historical Sociology of Mnemonic Practices." Annual Review of Sociology 24, no. 1 (1998): 105-40.

Memória de trabalho


Publicados em 1959

  • Peterson, L.R., e M.J. Peterson. "Short-Term Retention of Individual Items." Journal of Experimental Psychology 58 (1959): 193-98.

Publicados em 1986

  • Baddeley, Alan D. Working Memory. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986.

Publicados em 1992

  • Baddeley, Alan D. "Working Memory: Humans." In Encyclopedia of Learning and Memory, editado por Larry R. Squire, 638-42. New York: Macmillan, 1992.
  • Olton, David S., Alicja L. Markowska, e Mary Lou Voytko. "Working Memory: Animals." In Encyclopedia of Learning and Memory, editado por Larry R. Squire, 635-38. New York: Macmillan, 1992.

Publicados em 1993

  • Cowan, Nelson. "Activation, Attention, and Short-Term Memory." Memory & cognition 21, no. 2 (1993): 162-67.
  • Crowder, Robert G. "Short-Term Memory: Where Do We Stand?" Memory & cognition 21, no. 2 (1993): 142-42.
  • Potter, Mary C. "Very Short-Term Conceptual Memory." Memory & cognition 21, no. 2 (1993): 156-61.
  • Shiffrin, Richard M. "Short-Term Memory: A Brief Commentary." Memory & cognition 21, no. 2 (1993): 193-97.

Publicados em 2000

  • Numminen, H., E. Service, T. Ahonen, T. Korhonen, A. Tolvanen, K. Patja, e I. Ruoppila. "Working Memory Structure and Intellectual Disability." Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 44, no. 5 (2000): 579-90.
  • Smith, Edward E. "Neural Bases of Human Working Memory." Current Directions in Psychological Science 9, no. 2 (2000): 45-49.

Publicados em 2001

  • Numminen, H., E. Service, T. Ahonen, e I. Ruoppila. "Working Memory and Everyday Cognition in Adults with Down's Syndrome." Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 45, no. 2 (2001): 157-68.

Publicados em 2002

  • Engle, Randall W. "Working Memory Capacity as Executive Attention." Current Directions in Psychological Science 11, no. 1 (2002): 19-23.

Publicados em 2003

  • Barch, Deanna M. "Cognition in Schizophrenia: Does Working Memory Work?" Current Directions in Psychological Science 12, no. 4 (2003): 146-50.

Memória episódica


Publicados em 1993

  • Tulving, Endel. "What Is Episodic Memory?" Current Directions in Psychological Science 2, no. 3 (1993): 67-70.

Publicados em 2002

  • Tulving, Endel. "Episodic Memory: From Mind to Brain." Annual Review of Psychology 53, no. 1 (2002): 1-25.

Memória e raciocínio


Textos sobre o papel da memória no raciocínio.

  1. John L. Pollock e Joseph Cruz. 1999. Contemporary theories of knowledge. Lanham, Boulder, New York e Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 2a edição.