Kdenlive/Obtendo e Instalando

Este módulo encontra-se em processo de tradução. A sua ajuda é bem vinda.

Kdenlive deve compilar nos mais recentes sistemas GNU/Linux e FreeBSD, incluindo arquiteturas x86 e AMD64 (embora a AMD64 necessite de alguns ajustes se rodar Debian/Ubuntu). Também, já está compilado e pronto para instalar em pacotes binários para várias distros.

Instalando pacotes binários do Kdenlive


Muitas distros já oferecem o Kdenlive para pronta instalação. Para usar o Kdenlive seu sistema deve ter alguns outros softwares instalados da qual o Kdenlive depende:

Em muitos casos, o instalador vai instalar o software necessário automaticamente. Se qualquer desses estiver faltando, Kdenlive vai avisá-lo. Apenas feche o Kdenlive, instale o software que falta e reinicie o Kdenlive.

Debian Sid


Pacotes binários para Debian são providos por Christian Marillat.

Adicione a seguinte linha ao seu arquivo /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org sid main

Se ainda não fez isso, importe a chave de Marillat's:

gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 1F41B907
gpg --armor --export 1F41B907 > key.asc
sudo apt-key add key.asc

Então, simplesmente digite

sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install kdenlive

O instalador Debian vai automaticamente instalar o kdenlive 0.4 e as bibliotecas requeridas. Se precisa do Kdenlive 0.5 svn, por favor leia a seção fonte a seguir.



An installation guide (in French) exists on ubuntu-fr documentation site. Ubuntu Edgy Eft 6.10 users may download deb files with gpg signatures (key available from Kdenlive web site) compressed into one zip file at [1] or [2] or [3]



RPMs for Fedora Core 6 can be downloaded from this page:

kdenlive and mlt

Unfortunately it's my very first packaging effort, so use them with caution.

Install the above dependencies using yum or apt:

yum install ffmpeg xine dvdauthor dvgrab

After downloading rpms, we suppose rpms to be in /tmp, install with:

cd /tmp
rpm -Uvh kdenlive*.rpm mlt*.rpm

Good luck!

...Anyway, you may try to install the Mandriva RPM indicated below...



Pode instalar kdenlive 0.5 (i686/MMX) numa Mandriva 2007 ao instalar os 4 pacotes seguintes nesta ordem :

A partir da Mandriva 2008.0, a versão 0.5 está inclusa. Pode portanto instalar-la directamente a partir do Centro de Contrôlo. Um melhor RPM, que corrige um problema nos diaporamas aqui :


Os pacotes fonte estão aqui :



Gentoo users can simply install kdenlive using emerge. (0.4 is available in portage since april 2007)

emerge -atv kdenlive

Currently kdenlive is keyworded, you'll have to add the package to your package.keywords:

echo "media-video/kdenlive" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords

Suse packages for MLT and Kdenlive 0.4 are available from the packman project:




Pardus PiSi package of Kdenlive 0.4 is ready to install via Package Manager. You can type "kdenlive "in the search bar and click install button or you can install it from console.

sudo pisi it kdenlive

If you want, you can compile Kdenlive from the svn repository, too.

sudo pisi build http://svn.pardus.org.tr/pardus/2007/desktop/kde/kdenlive/pspec.xml


sudo pisi it kdenlive*.pisi

Compiling libraries


Installing from CVS


Make sure you install all listed libraries before attempting to compile Kdenlive!!! Install libraries in the order listed on that page. Most libraries and header files should be packaged in your GNU/Linux distribution. Just install the requested packages:

  • QT and KDE development files (KDE >= 3.4 required)

Provided with most distributions (usually named qt-devel and kdelibs-devel. For debian users, see debian-desktop.org for a recent KDE environment).

  • Unsermake (not required but improves compilation)

Package available with most distributions.

  • SDL

Provided with most distributions. Install the devel package: SDL-dev and SDL-image-dev.

  • Audio / video and other libraries (you should be able to find binary packages for all of them in your distro):
    • Gdk-Pixbuf (gdk-pixbuf, gdk-pixbuf-dev) (not needed anymore)
    • libsamplerate (libsamplerate, libsamplerate-dev)
    • OGG (libogg, libogg-dev)
    • Vorbis (libvorbis, libvorbis-dev)
    • libdv (libdv, libdv-dev)
    • Ladspa (ladspa-sdk)
    • libJack (libjack-dev)
    • Ladspa plugins (swh-plugins)
    • SOX (sox, sox-dev)
    • libXML2 (libxml2, libxml2-dev)
  • Optional:
    • Libquicktime (libquicktime, libquicktime-dev)
    • Theora (libtheora, libtheora-dev)
  • FFMPEG (libavformat development files, recent version):

If you cannot find a recent package for libavformat-dev, download the development svn version:

svn checkout svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/ffmpeg/trunk ffmpeg

ffmpeg recommended config option:

./configure --enable-gpl --enable-shared --enable-libvorbis --enable-libogg --enable-pp --enable-swscaler

mlt 0.2.3 stable release is usable with Kdenlive 0.5 (svn).

You can install mlt 0.2.3 or checkout MLT from CVS:

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@mlt.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/mlt login
cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous@mlt.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/mlt co mlt 

Recommended config option for MLT:

./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-gpl --disable-mmx --avformat-swscale

All other MLT configure options are enabled by default.

You might need --avformat-ldextra if your ffmpeg/libavcodec is built against some external libs like libmp3lame or libvorbis. My ld.so does not require this, but it seems some systems/environments require it.

NOTE 1:Make sure that the configure output gives no error for modules/avformat, since it means FFMpeg was not correctly installed. Make sure swh-plugins and ladspa-sdk packages are installed. These packages provide sound effects. MLT has many dependencies, but you will be warned at ./configure time

NOTE 2: When you are on (K)Ubuntu and the ./configure... step ends in errors like:
./configure: 37: function: not found
./configure: 93: function: not found
./configure: 174: build_config: not found
./configure: 191: build_pkgconfig: not found

Either edit the ./configure file and replace on the first line "#!/bin/sh" to "#!/bin/bash" and run again, or simply type: bash ./configure ..... This problem is caused due to the fact that (K)Ubuntu Edgy defaults to the dash shell instead of the bash shell. Dash is currently known for being less compatible with scripting.

Checkout MLT++ from CVS:

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@mlt.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/mlt login
cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous@mlt.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/mlt co mlt++

Debian Unstable


Debian binary packages are provided by Christian Marillat. Packages include the latest ffmpeg developments are usually very well up-to-date. For example, mlt includes kdenlive module and avformat-swscale.

Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:

# Experimental
deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org experimental main
deb-src http://www.debian-multimedia.org experimental main
# Unstable
deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org sid main
deb-src http://www.debian-multimedia.org sid main
# Testing
deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org testing main
deb-src http://www.debian-multimedia.org testing main

If you haven't done so yet, import Marillat's key:

gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 1F41B907
gpg --armor --export 1F41B907 > key.asc
sudo apt-key add key.asc

Then, simply type

apt-get build-dep kdenlive

When compiling Kdenlive 0.5 svn from source, you will also need:

apt-get-install mlt libmlt0.2.3 libmlt-dev libmlt++0.2.3 libmlt++-dev

Compiling kdenlive


Checkout Kdenlive from SVN:

svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kdenlive/trunk/kdenlive

NOTE: Once you have dowloaded the complete svn package, you can update your local svn source by only downloading the updated parts. Say you have downloaded the svn into ~/kdenlive. Simply cd into ~/kdenlive and type: svn update.

Configure, compile and install:

cd kdenlive ; \
sh bootstrap ;\
./configure --prefix=/usr; \
make ; \
sudo make install

You are now ready to use Kdenlive!