Utilizador:Raylton P. Sousa/GSoC/Plano




  • Melhorar(tornar mais descritivo) o título individual de cada bug na tabela
  • Terminar a tabela
  • Avaliar se usaremos a bookmanager como componente ou criaremos outra extensão (talvez BookManager 2)
Name Mediawiki bugs Component bug Importance Status Group
Put the book pages in a specific group Bug 15071 New Master
Arrange order of pages in a group Bug 15073 New EditPagesBasic
Editing without leaving of the special page EditPagesBasic
Create a link to "veiw", "edit" and "history" beside each page of the list EditPagesBasic
Add pages that exist(with content) - from special page or by individual pages(like collaction) EditPagesBasic
Add pages that do not yet exist, but are in the plans (wikitout content, similar to the red links) EditPagesBasic
Display in recent changes when page is added or when arrange order of pages in a group EditPagesBasic
Run bulk actions from the list of pages EditPagesActions
Watchlist EditPagesActions
Move EditPagesActions
Delete EditPagesActions
Print EditPagesActions
Order printed version EditPagesActions
Export from list EditPagesActions
Export as PDF EditPagesActions
Export as ODT EditPagesActions
Export as Kindle EditPagesActions
Export as EPub EditPagesActions
Export as Zim EditPagesActions
Edit metadata EditMetadata
Automatically generated metadata EditMetadata
Automatically generated colaborators(list all by history) EditMetadata
Automatically generated number of (wiki)pages EditMetadata
Automatically generated size(total number of bytes of wikitext) EditMetadata
Automatically generated average size of the page EditMetadata
Cover EditMetadata
Subject(DDC, UDC, LOC etc) EditMetadata
Larn and/or educational level(generally in wikibooks) EditMetadata
Comprisement or level of development(generally in wikibooks) EditMetadata
Author(in wikisource) EditMetadata
Original language (in wikisource) EditMetadata
Ref edition(wikisource) EditMetadata
Maintenance functions of groups EditMaintenance
Recent changes EditMaintenance
WhatLinkHere EditMaintenance
Files EditMaintenance
Wanted pages EditMaintenance
Double redirect EditMaintenance
Broken redirect EditMaintenance
New pages EditMaintenance
Recent changes by newbie EditMaintenance
Gadgets (CSS-JS per books) EditGadgets
Navbar(providing easy access to:) ReadNavbar
Table of content(list of pages)5 Bug 3107 ReadNavbar
*Meta-data(4) ReadNavbar
Get book ReadNavbar
Export link ReadNavbar
Print link ReadNavbar
Order printed book link ReadNavbar
Next page ReadNavbar
Prev page ReadNavbar
Index(maybe a specialpage) ReadIndex
Table of content(list of pages) Bug 31075 ReadIndex
Meta-data(4) ReadIndex
Get book ReadIndex
References group (special page?) link deve estar disponível na lista de páginas Bug 10092 ReadIndex
Talk page of Group (or list talk pages) Talk
History of group History
Random page in group (Random book, random page) Bug 31254 Random
  • Put the book pages in a specific group(Bug 15071)(high importance)
    • Edit (specialpage?)
      • Pages
        • Basic edit options(1)
          • Arrange order of pages in a group (Bug 15073)
          • Editing without leaving of the special page (similar to LQT)
          • Create a link to "veiw", "edit" and "history" beside each page of the list
          • Add pages that exist(with content)
            • From special page
            • By individual pages(like collaction)
          • Add pages that do not yet exist, but are in the plans (wikitout content, similar to the red links)
          • Display in recent changes when page is added or when sort pages in a group.
        • Run bulk actions from the list of pages (Bug???)(3)
          • Watchlist (Bug 15072 and Bug 12908)
          • Move (Bug 15072 and Bug 12908)(when renaming an existing page in the list it should be moved... in case of books and the prefix should be ignored
          • Delete(Bug 15072 and Bug 12908)
          • Print (Bug ??????)
          • Order printed version (pediapress, lulu.com?) (Bug 26448)
          • Export (Bug 26448)
            • PDF
            • ODT
            • Kindle
            • EPub
            • Zim
      • Edit metadata(4)
        • Automatically generated
          • Colaborators(list all by history)
          • Number of (wiki)pages
          • Size(total number of bytes of wikitext)
          • Average size of the page
        • Cover
        • Subject(DDC, UDC, LOC etc)
        • Larn and/or educational level(generally in wikibooks)
        • Comprisement or level of development(generally in wikibooks)
        • Author(in wikisource)
        • Original language (in wikisource)
        • Ref edition(wikisource)
      • Other maintenance functions of groups of pages(5)
        • Recent changes
        • WhatLinkHere
        • Files
        • Wanted pages
        • Double redirect
        • Broken redirect
        • New pages
        • Recent changes by newbie
      • Gadgets (CSS-JS per books) (Bug 15075)(6)
    • Read
      • Basic(2)
        • Navbar(providing easy access to:)
          • Table of content(list of pages)(Bug 31075)
          • Meta-data(4)
          • Get book
            • Export link
            • Print link
            • Order printed book link
          • Next page
          • Prev page
        • Index(maybe a specialpage)
          • Table of content(list of pages)(Bug 31075)
          • Meta-data(4)
          • Get book
          • References group (special page?) link deve estar disponível na lista de páginas (Bug 10092)
      • Complet(optional)(8)
        • A similar experience with the tools of reading books on the market (which is a complicated task is not a requirement of this years GSOC) ex:Ebook Reader, Google Docs PDF Reader, docstoc(flash), issuu(flash e meu predileto), yudu(flash), scribd(flash), wepapers(flash), iBooks
    • Talk page(of group) (or list talk pages of group)
    • History(of group)
    • Random page(in group) (Bug 31254)
      • Random book
      • Random page
    • List books (or groups of groups of pages)(7)
      • Should be done automatically through metadata.

