Proposta para converter as páginas de LiquidThreads para Flow

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Última edição: 09h01min de 17 de agosto de 2016

Not at all easily. Most of the practical methods for doing that, would break incoming (external) links and bookmarks. (I.e. It would be possible (but require a lot of work) to update all the internal LQT links on this wiki, but it would not be practical to leave redirects for the old LQT page-titles in that namespace.)

So, picking a new word for the namespace, would be best. Are there any potential words? Perhaps "Thread" translates suitably here?

Quiddity (WMF) (Discussão)17h22min de 1 de outubro de 2015
Editado por outro utilizador.
Última edição: 09h01min de 17 de agosto de 2016

Hm.. I see...

In this case "Thread" is totally fine for me. ː)


Raylton P. Sousa qualquer coisa estou aqui! =D22h32min de 1 de outubro de 2015