Proposta para converter as páginas de LiquidThreads para Flow
We need a new name for Flow's "Topic" namespace, because "Tópico" is already used by LiquidThreads on this wiki.
What would you suggest?
(Sorry again for my usage of English, and for the delay in updates. Terrível tradução automática do Google)
Muito obrigado.
Can you change the "topic" of LQT to "any other name" and maintain "topic" in flow?
Not at all easily. Most of the practical methods for doing that, would break incoming (external) links and bookmarks. (I.e. It would be possible (but require a lot of work) to update all the internal LQT links on this wiki, but it would not be practical to leave redirects for the old LQT page-titles in that namespace.)
So, picking a new word for the namespace, would be best. Are there any potential words? Perhaps "Thread" translates suitably here?
I don't like the idea of having an English name instead of its translation.
But oh well... at least "thread" is a word in some language, while flow's titles are not. So whatever...
With profuse apologies, from myself and everyone who forgot, I bring news that the English word "Thread" is not possible as a namespace name, because that is the canonical LQT name. >.<
So, please suggest an alternative? (Possibly the Portuguese word for 'subject', or 'discussion', or some other synonym for 'topic'?). Muito obrigado.
Well... What about using the portuguese word "tópico"? It's exactly the translation of topic to portuguese.
- 'discussão' is the translation of 'discussion', but it is taken by the 'talk' namespace
- 'tópico' is the only translation of 'subject' which makes sense in this context ('assunto' and 'tema' do not look right for this)
The existing LQT topics should just redirect to the new pages which will be created by Flow. It is not like the names would conflict with the random strings anyway...
Helder, they tried that again yesterday, and it didn't work. See Roan and Matt discussing it in the IRC logs between 23:02:46 and 23:14:38.
Based on all the above, and after confirming with the developers that it should work, I propose that we just use the English word "Topic" for the namespace here. Please tell me if there are any objections or problems with that. Thanks, and sorry again for the complications and delays. (tradução automática do Google)
I'm ok with "Topic" for now, as long as the long term plan is in fact to translate it to "Tópico" at some point (because it is the proper words for this, and there will be other users wanting to translate the namespace some time in the future - and having a task on Phabricator where I could point such users would be useful).